Themestream Contributor
What You Should Know About Las Vegas Gambling
by Albert Blackwell
March 26, 2001


Las Vegas is perhaps the most unique city in the entire world because of its perpetual gambling casinos, mega hotels, and the thousands of bars, micro-casinos, and strip joints that go 24 hours a day in and around the city. Even the mini markets, grocery, and discount stores have slots. Going to the store for a loaf of bread can cost you a hundred bucks if you can't leave the one-arm bandits alone. As a Vegas transplant, after a few years here I've learned that the only things that move as fast as the flow of money in Vegas are the motorists.


Nevada is known for it's silver mining, but the silver in Las Vegas comes from the U.S. Mint. True, Las Vegas has created more instant millionaires than Wall Street, but there's a thousand hard luck stories for every crap table, poker table, and slot machine in the city. These stories are about people who were so sure they could beat the system, they put everything on the come-line or doubled their bet every time they lost at 21...only discover their scheme didn't work or that the lucky feeling was just gas. Many lost everything they owned, ruined their marriages, and life got real nasty for them.



There is one system, and one system only, that will grant you a winning day in Las Vegas. It's pure, unadulterated LUCK. Having entertained hundreds of millions of patrons in the City Of Glitter, does it not reason out that all gaming odds are on the side of the house? This great city did not prosper by being stupid and careless, and by not studying all facets of the games to find all the loop holes. If there were ways to force a win, they would not be games of chance. That's what casinos want to make sure of.


Casinos do not take kindly to "giving" money away, nor do they lose gracefully to system players, which they loath and fear. Every statistic and every possible cheating scheme or odds-altering device, or system of beating the odds ever thought of by man and computer has already been thought-out, devised, tested, and tried and retried by the casinos. And they still are testing and learning every day in casinos and in slot manufacturing and programming companies. You cannot beat, defeat, or cheat the games of chance in Las Vegas. There are enough bankrupt and imprisoned people to prove it.


You can indeed have a great day in the sun by being lucky. It happens everyday to many visitors and residents. That is as true as anything can be, but the smart gambler, like professional gamblers, know that when you start getting serious with gambling, betting until it hurts because you just know you're going to eventually win, Fate is likely going to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget. And right when you least expect it. Another sucker down for the count. If you don't believe it, it's because you're one of those I'm talking about.


Here are some gambling rules you should consider before you gamble.

Stick to them and you'll find that Las Vegas, Mesquite, Lake Tahoe, Reno, an Indian Reservation--wherever you gamble--your vacation will be far more memorable for the enjoyment rather than because you lost your savings in a casino.


Many years ago, I wrote a "how to play and win" keno program simulator and devised the SGR [Sensible Gambling Rules] which I sold via mail order. Many, may people won-- those that followed the rules that is. They are all just common sense rules. For what it's worth, I'll share them with you. They can help you to win by knowing when play and when to walk away, but cannot make you win. Sorry, but Fate has the exclusive on all games of chance.




Good Casino Etiquette:


Contrary to what many believe, locals in Las Vegas love visitors. We love fun and gambling like everyone else and wish only to make visitors as comfortable and happy as we can. We want their visit here to be happy, safe, and memorable. And we like to see visitor win at gambling as well. Without visitors, Vegas would likely dissolve back into the hot dry desert from which it grew...and us along with it.



Protect your wallets and purses and valuables ALL THE TIME. Make a habit of keeping a thumb in you pocket where your wallet is, especially in crowds or when someone is walking close behind you. Never carry a pack-purse on your back or a purse on your side anytime and anywhere if it is an open or easy open purse. In a crowd, hold it in front of you. Never travel around Vegas carrying an open or zip-top or flip-top purse.


If you carry a camera, keep it clung around neck, over your chest, with a hand on it when moving through crowds and near people. Pick pockets and purse snatchers abound here, especially so during the busy hot season; some of the best light-fingered social parasites in the world. They stay close to money the way lions stay close to zebras.


Never, ever carry all of your money on you. Hotels provide safe deposit boxes free to their guests. Use them. Don't let your vacation become a nightmare because you thought this could never happen to you. And always, just as a safety precaution, keep your car doors locked. Don't leave packages or luggage out in the open in your vehicle. It might tempt the unsavory. Las Vegas is a huge city and money draws bad people like honey draws flies. I strongly suggest valet parking, especially in the hot Summer [100 - 118 degrees (F)].


Enjoy Las Vegas. Click on and find anything you want to know about Las Vegas, what's hot, what happening and when, classifieds, real estate, jobs, and more. See Las Vegas via the web cams over the city.[]