Craps Terminology:
Any craps |
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, or 12. This bet pays 7:1 and has a house edge of 11.1%. |
Any seven |
A bet that the next roll will be 7. This bet pays 4:1 and has a house edge of 16.7%. |
Big 6 |
A bet that a 6 will be rolled before a 7 comes up. This bet pays even money, and has a house edge of 9.1%. A place bet on 6 pays 7:6 but is identical otherwise. The place bet is preferred, having a house edge of 1.5%. |
Big 8 |
A bet that an 8 will be rolled before a 7 comes up. This bet pays even money, and has a house edge of 9.1%. A place bet on 8 pays 7:6 but is identical otherwise. The place bet is preferred, having a house edge of 1.5%. |
Buy bet |
Giving the house a 5% commission in order to be paid correct odds for a place bet. The buy bets on 4 and 10 allow the player to reduce the house edge from 6.67% to 4% on these bets. Some casinos collect the commission only on winning bets, while others collect it at the time the bet is made. |
Come bet |
A "virtual pass line bet"; a bet made after the come out roll but in other respects exactly like a pass line bet. |
Come out roll |
The first roll of the dice in a betting round is called the "come out" roll. Pass bets win when the come out roll is 7 or 11, while pass bets lose when the come out roll is 2, 3, or 12. Don't bets lose when the come out roll is 7 or 11, and don't bets win when the come out roll is 2 or 3. Don't bets tie when the come out roll is 12 (2 in some casinos; the "bar" roll on the layout indicates which roll is treated as a tie). |
Dice pass |
The dice are said to "pass" when the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 on the come-out roll. The dice "don't pass" when the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 on the come-out. If the come-out roll is a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, this roll sets the "point", and the shooter continues to roll until the point is rolled again or a 7 is rolled (see "seven out"). If the shooter rolls the point before rolling a seven, the dice pass. If the shooter sevens out, the dice don't pass and the shooter loses control of the dice. NOTE: in this context, "pass" does NOT mean that the dice to given to the next player. Control of the dice is transferred only when the shooter "sevens out" or when the shooter has completed a game and no longer wishes to roll the dice. |
Don't come bet |
A "virtual don't pass bet"; a bet made after the come out roll but in other respects exactly like a don't pass bet. |
Don't pass bet |
A bet that the dice will not pass. This bet can be placed only immediately before a "come out" roll. One result (either the 2 or the 12, depending on the casino) will result in a push. House edge on these bets is 1.40%. A don't pass bet can be taken down, but not increased, after the come-out roll. |
Double odds |
An odds bet that is about twice as large as the original pass/come bet. Some casinos offer higher odds, such as 5X or even 10X odds. |
Field bet |
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. This bet pays even money for 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, and usually pays 2:1 for 2 or 12. Some casinos pay 3:1 for either the 2 or 12 (but not both), and some casinos may make the 5 instead of the 9 a field roll. |
Hard way |
A bet on 4, 6, 8, or 10 that wins only if the dice show the same face; e.g., "hard 8" occurs when each die shows a four. |
Hop bet |
A bet that the next roll will result in one particular combination of the dice, such as 2-2 (called a "hopping hardway") or 3-5. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, and 5-5 are paid the same as a one-roll 2; other hop bets are paid the same as a one-roll 11. |
Horn bet |
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 11, or 12, made in multiples of 4, with one unit on each of the numbers. |
Horn high bet |
A bet made in multiples of 5 with one unit on 3 of the horn numbers, and two units on the "high" number; e.g., "$5 horn high eleven": $1 each on 2, 3, 12, and $2 on the 11. |
Lay bet |
A bet that a particular number (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) will NOT be rolled before a 7 comes up. The casino takes 5% of the winnings on these bets. The 5% commission is usually taken up front, but some casinos take the commission after the bet wins. |
Lay odds |
After a point has been established, the don't pass bettor can place an additional odds bet that will win if the original don't pass bet wins. The odds bet is paid at true odds with no house edge. This also applies to a don't come bet. Making this bets is referred to "laying the odds" for your don't bet. |
Line bet |
A bet on the "pass line" or the "don't pass line" is called a "line" bet. These bets are placed at the beginning of the game, before the "come out" roll. The shooter is required to make a line bet in order to shoot the dice. |
Odds bet |
Casinos allow a player to place "odds" on pass, don't pass, come, and don't come bets after a "point" has been established. If the bet on which odds are placed wins, the odds bet is paid at true odds. A player should make odds bets that can be paid exactly, or the dealer will pay off by rounding down. Odds on the pass line and come bets should be a multiple 5 if the point is 6 or 8 and a multiple of 2 if it's a 5 or 9.A player can modify his odds bets at any time. |
Odds off |
Odds bets that are "not working". Odds bets can be called "off" by the player at any time, but are left on the felt until the bet is resolved. Also, come odds bets are usually "off" during the come out roll, unless the bettor asks to have the odds bets "working". Come odd bets that are "off" will be returned to the player if the line bet loses on the come out roll. Don't come odds generally work on the come-out roll. |
Pass bet |
A bet that the dice will pass, also known as a "pass line" bet. This bet is generally placed immediately before a "come out" roll, although you can make or increase this bet at any time. House edge on this bets is 1.41%. |
Place bet (to win) |
A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will be rolled before a 7 comes up. These bets are paid at slightly less than correct odds, giving the house an edge of 1.52% on 6/8, 4% on 5/9, and 6.67% on 4/10. |
Place bet (to lose) |
A bet that a 7 will be rolled before the number you are placing (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) comes up. The casino requires you to lay slightly more than the correct odds, giving the house an edge of 3.03% on 4/10, 2.5% on 5/9, and 1.82% on 6/8. |
Point |
If a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is rolled on the come out roll, then this number becomes the "point". The shooter must roll the point again, before rolling a seven, in order for the dice to "pass". A "come point" is just the number that is serving as a point for a come bet. |
Put bet |
1) A bet made on the pass line after the come out roll.
This is allowed in Las Vegas and at Turning Stone, but not in Atlantic City
and not at Foxwoods. This is not recommended, as 45% of your pass line wins
are made on the come-out roll. |
Right bettor |
A player who bets that the dice will pass. |
Seven out |
When the shooter rolls seven after a point has been established. Control of the dice is transferred to the next shooter. Another term for this is "miss out." You will sometimes hear players call this something else, but we can't print those things here. This is often incorrectly called "crap out." |
Shooter |
The player who is rolling the dice. The shooter must place a "line" bet ("pass" or "don't pass") in order to be eligible to roll the dice. Of course, the shooter can place other bets in addition to the required "line" bet. Most shooters (and players) tend to play the "pass" line. Note that shooters who make "don't pass" bets are not betting against themselves, they are simply betting that the dice will not "pass". |
Single odds |
An odds bet that is about as large as the original pass/come bet. Some casinos allow "double odds", or even larger odds bets. |
Take odds |
After a point has been established, the pass/come bettor can place an additional odds bet that will win if the original pass/come bet wins. The odds bet is paid at the correct odds for the point, and is a fair bet with no house edge. |
Two-ways |
A phrase appended to a hardway or proposition bet to indicate that the player is betting one chip for the dealers along with his own bet. A $2 bet two ways is $1 for the player and $1 for the dealers; a $6 bet two ways is $5 for the player and $1 for the dealers; a $10 bet two ways is $5 for the player and $5 for the dealers. E.g., "Hard 6, two ways" or "Two-way hard 6." |
Three-way craps |
A bet made in units of 3 with one unit on 2, one unit on 3, and one unit on 12. This is a horn bet without the bet on 11. |
Vig |
Working |
Bets that are "live" (i.e., can be resolved with the next roll) are said to be working. Generally, place bets, buy/lay bets, and come odds bets do not work on the come-out unless you tell the dealers to "make them work." All other bets (e.g., hardways) work unless you call them "off" (i.e., tell the dealers you do not want them to "work"). |
World bet (whirl bet?) |
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12, made in multiples of 5, with one unit on each of the numbers. |
Wrong bettor |
A player who bets that the dice will not pass. |
Points |
4 & 10 |
5 & 9 |
6 & 8 |
Pass Odds pay |
6 to 3 |
6 to 4 |
6 to 5 |
Don’t Pass Odds pay |
3 to 6 |
4 to 6 |
5 to 6 |