The Benchwarmer's Don't/Hedge Method

Presented in $10 units.

1)      Dont Pass $10, place until point is established if 6 or 8 no odds, place $10

2)      Dont Come if 4,5,9,10 lay double odds, place $18 6&8, $10 Dont Come (10 ways to

3)      hit 6&8 only 6 for 7 out), once 6 or 8 hits take down both, rack $21 DCs until 3

4)      numbers are up. Replace one if hits. Lay double odds on 4,5,9,10 When seven outs

5)      pick up your winnings. Start over with new shooter.

6)      System allows you to take down money on 6 and 8.

7)      End hand with a winner.