Don't Pass, Don't Come with Odds

Bet $10 don't pass and lay odds when point established. bet another $10 on the don't come and lay odds. bet a 3rd $10 on don't come and lay odds. ignore 7/11/2/12/3 except if the shooter hits two 7/11s in a row I stop and wait for next shooter. If a shooter hits two of my points I stop and wait for the next shooter starting over again at $10. I try to keep three numbers with lay odds working. when shooter sevens out I progress 1 level, $10,15'20'25'30'35 etc. but always return to $10 if I don't show a profit on the last shooter. I progress 1 unit on the next shooter if I show any profit. I've played this method at least 5 times winning from $100-588. I've lost three times $100 to $150 usually because I've gotten distracted and forgot to progress or bet into a shooter more than twice, let the shooter beat me. My normal bankroll is $100 to$150 and I normally drive to AC (4.5 hours one way) for just a day trip as its hard to get away for the whole weekend. On my computer I've been very successful using a $500 bank and playing for quarters progressing up from there.