Slow Martingale

1.        Bet 1 unit, if you win go to 1 again, else 2

2.        Bet 1 unit, if you win go to 1, else 3

3.        Bet 1 unit if you win let it ride if you win that then go to 1 or else 4

4.        Bet 2 units if you win let it ride if you win that then go to 1 or else 5

5.        Bet 2 units if you win let it ride if you win that then go to 1 or else 6

6.        Bet 4 units if you win let it ride if you win that then go to 1 or else 7

7.        Bet 4 units if you win let it ride if you win that then go to 1 or else 8

8.        Bet 8 units if you win let it ride if you win that then go to 1 or else 9

9.        Bet 8 units if you win let it ride then whatever the out-come is go start over.


This method is mainly used on the don't pass or pass line, but I also use it to take odds. I don't count the money on the pass line but I will keep track of the units that I take for odds. I bet a pass line bet and when the point is establish I take 1x odds as my first bet, pushing the 5 and 9 to true odds. I continue through the method until I make my win limit or lose the last bet in step 9.