Auto-bet example
Dennis, I will show what I had written one night. I was trying to
come up
with a betting progression system that would bet the pass line and also
place bets occasionally on the field when I 'think' it seems like it might
I have included the full auto-bet file at the conclusion of this message.
Start is just a label to know where I am in the code.
When I start the Auto-Bet file (Initialize the process), I want to place
values on some chip stacks. I use them for counters. The idea is to
some form of progression betting scheme that ranged from $5 to $29.
$5 for a few turns to see if all is going well. If so, then I want to move
up the progression just a bit. As each bet is winning, then I will move up
the progression. Chip Stack #1 is my counter of where I am in the
progression for how much to bet on the pass line. Chip Stack #0 is my
counter for where I am in the progression for field bets. Chip Stack #2 is
a counter to track how many times the field bet has came up.
When . . .
Initializing Auto-Bet
then . . .
Bet $ 0 on All
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 0
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 1
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 2
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 5
Bet $ 7 on Chip-Stack # 6
Bet $ 7 on Chip-Stack # 7
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 22 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 22 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 29 on Chip-Stack #
ChkPoint is just a lable to tell me where I am at.
Now While a point is set, I want to just go to the field betting options.
By using While, it checks to see if the point has been established already.
So WHILE works here. If I were to use When, then it would only be a true
statement WHEN it is established the first time. Then it would be a false
statement in this auto-bet file and as such continue forward in the code.
would not need this to go further since the next lines in the code are to
check for win or loss and play with the chip values as my counters. So I
use WHILE here to see if the point has already been established, which by
default in my code; would already have a pass line bet on it.
While . . .
A Point is established on
any number
then . . .
Go to "ChkField"
If a point has not been established, then that must mean I need to check
whether or not we had a win or loss and place another pass line bet.
So here is where I check to see if Pass Line bet won or not. If it did,
then I want to increase Chip Stack #1 to point to the next bet I will place
on the pass line since I want to move up the progression now as I won this
When . . .
Pass Line has won each
then . . .
Add $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 1
If I lost this pass line bet, then I want to decrease the chip stack #1 to
point to the progression line I will use for my next pass line bet. But
notice this time I add a line check to see if chip stack #1 is greater than
$5 or not. I do this because if the pointer is already pointing to $5, I
can't go lower than that. In simple terms it would mean, that when I lose
the pass line bet and the bet is not greater than $5, then the statement is
false and nothing gets done. IOW, the pointer in the progression stays
pointed at $5 for my next bet on the pass line.
When . . .
Pass Line has lost each
Chip-Stack # 1 is greater
than $ 5
then . . .
Subtract $ 1 from
Chip-Stack # 1
Now I check using a WHILE statement to see if chip stack #1 is greater than
$16. If so, then I went through the whole progression. Since this
means I
have won the whole progression, I want to keep that money in my pocket and
start the progression over. My check then is to see if the progression has
run it's course and if it has, start the progression over with $5 being the
next bet.
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 1 is greater
than $ 16
then . . .
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 1
Now that I have determined if I had either won or loss the last pass line
bet, and I have already pointed the next bet to the right point in the
progression, I want to make the bet now. What I do is reference the chip
stack #1 to see what it's value is. Depending on it's value will be where
it points at in the progression. In simple terms; where the chip stack
points to; bet this amount on the pass line.
Do this . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack
ref # 1 on Pass Line
As you may have guessed; another label to separate the code and let me know
what section I am working on.
The above sections basically checked to see if a point was established; if
so, then branch down here to the field betting since we already have a pass
line bet on the table. If we didn't skip to here from the above; the above
code would have checked for wins and losses and moved our bet up or down the
progression for the next pass line bet.
The next section will cover betting on the field on if the field number has
not come up in the past 6 rolls. It also uses the same progression system
for how much to bet and when.
What I will do is check to see if a field number rolled or not. If it did,
then increase the counter (chip stack #2) to show that another roll has came
and gone and no field number was thrown. If the roll was a field number,
put the counter back to 0 and start tracking the amount of times a field
number does not roll each time again.
When . . .
A 2,3,4,9,10,11,or 12 has
not rolled each time
then . . .
Add $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 2
else . . .
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 2
Now we want to check whether or not we already had a field bet on the table
and if we did; Did it win? If so, restart the counter (chip stack #2) back
to 0 to start the count over again. Then place the next bet to point to
next bet in the progression. To do this, we add a dollar (chip) to the
stack #0 which points our next bet for Field Bets in the progression system.
When . . .
Field has won each time
then . . .
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 2
Add $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 0
We want to do also check to see if we lost. If we lost, we also
need to
verify that there was a bet on the field. So we have IF the field bet
and we had money on the table in the field bet area; then we need to move
our pointer to the next lower step in the progression. Notice how we don't
have to change the current counter of non rolls of a field number since if
the field bet area did not win; it means a field number was not thrown.
When . . .
Field has lost each time
Chip-Stack # 0 is greater
than $ 5
then . . .
Subtract $ 1 from
Chip-Stack # 0
This is just a simple little check like we did for pass line betting. We
need to check if we went through the whole progression system. If we did,
restart the bet progression system for field betting.
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 0 is greater
than $ 16
then . . .
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 0
Ok, now what about actually placing our field bets? Glad you asked.
that we have everything set, we check to see if the counter of how many
rolls have passed with no field number has happened. If it is greater than
5 times, then we will reference the progression pointer for field bets and
place that money on the field.
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 2 is greater
than $ 5
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack
ref # 0 on Field
You are getting pretty smart. Yep, a label to tell me where I am in the
Set Odds
Ok, what about odds betting? I started something here and you can change
to your heart's content. I was only practicing writing code, so it is not
permanent in the system or anything. What I am saying with code below is
the point established is a 4,5,9, or a 10, and I don't have any odds bet
down on the pass line; then I don't want to place single odds.
However, if the point established is a 6 or an 8; then bet double odds on
the pass line.
While . . .
A Point is established on
the number 4, 5, 9, or 10
Pass Line Odds is equal
to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Pass Line on
Pass Line Odds
While . . .
A Point is established on
the number 6 or 8
Pass Line Odds is equal
to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 200 % of Pass Line on
Pass Line Odds
Yep; a final label to tell me I went to the bottom of the auto-bet file.
Before I post this message, I thought maybe I should show you the completed
When . . .
Initializing Auto-Bet
then . . .
Bet $ 0 on All
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 0
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 1
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 2
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 5
Bet $ 7 on Chip-Stack # 6
Bet $ 7 on Chip-Stack # 7
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 10 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 15 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 22 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 22 on Chip-Stack #
Bet $ 29 on Chip-Stack #
While . . .
A Point is established on
any number
then . . .
Go to "ChkField"
When . . .
Pass Line has won each
then . . .
Add $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 1
When . . .
Pass Line has lost each
Chip-Stack # 1 is greater
than $ 5
then . . .
Subtract $ 1 from
Chip-Stack # 1
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 1 is greater
than $ 16
then . . .
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 1
Do this . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack
ref # 1 on Pass Line
When . . .
A 2,3,4,9,10,11,or 12 has
not rolled each time
then . . .
Add $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 2
else . . .
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 2
When . . .
Field has won each time
then . . .
Bet $ 0 on Chip-Stack # 2
Add $ 1 on Chip-Stack # 0
When . . .
Field has lost each time
Chip-Stack # 0 is greater
than $ 5
then . . .
Subtract $ 1 from
Chip-Stack # 0
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 0 is greater
than $ 16
then . . .
Bet $ 5 on Chip-Stack # 0
While . . .
Chip-Stack # 2 is greater
than $ 5
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Chip-Stack
ref # 0 on Field
Set Odds
While . . .
A Point is established on
the number 4, 5, 9, or 10
Pass Line Odds is equal
to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 100 % of Pass Line on
Pass Line Odds
While . . .
A Point is established on
the number 6 or 8
Pass Line Odds is equal
to $ 0
then . . .
Bet 200 % of Pass Line on
Pass Line Odds
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