The 1,600 Meter Horse Racing Plan

§         Take races of 1,600 meters only. (Also applicable are races of 1,575 meters through to races of 1,625 meters.)

Do not make selections for Maiden races.

Races must consist of no more than fifteen starters.

Make selections for Saturday meetings only. (Selections may be made for mid-week meetings if you wish although they do have a lower strike rate.)

The Next Step

§         Look at horse number-1 in the race. If it is in the top three in the betting market it is the selection. If not;

Look at horse number-2 in the race. If it is in the top three in the betting market it is the selection. If not;

Look at horse number-3 in the race. If it is in the top three in the betting market it is the selection.

If numbers 1, 2, or 3 are not in the top 3 in the betting market, then there is no bet in that race.

How To Bet

§         After making a selection by applying the above rules, bet straight out if the price is 2/1 or under, and bet each-way if the price is over 2/1. Use the betting market that is supplied in your morning newspaper.