Reduced Keno Systems
systems do not cover every possible combination of your numbers and that’s why
the are much cheaper to use than complete systems!
Read the following letter and get the feel of success.
4th September, 1998
"Just a note to thank you for sending my booklet (re: keno)
so promptly. It arrived on Tuesday and I did not have much of a chance to read
it properly. On Wednesday when I went to the Pub, I decided to use your example
numbers and system.
First game I won nothing. Second game I collected $24.00, which I thought was
not a bad collect for my investment of just $9.00. Then the third game came up,
and believe me, I was ecstatic with the results of my last game: ticket 1, four
numbers, ticket 2, four numbers, ticket 3, four numbers. Total return
You can rest assured that I shall not be returning the booklet to you. Should
you wish to use this note as a recommendation, feel free to do so.
With thanks.
Yours Sincerely,
Brian Kearvell - Campbelltown, South Australia"
Keno Information
truth, keno is a game which provides some of the worst odds of winning of any
form of gambling. The lure of keno is that for a mere bet of $1.00 you could
win a million dollars or more...
Playing anymore than a spot six or spot seven in keno means you've lost touch
with reality and are off with the fairies somewhere. The only reason to play a
ticket bigger than a spot six or spot seven is if you're playing a good system
and profiting from minor prizes.
The best value in keno are spots three, four and five. The gentleman who
supplied the above testimonial was playing a spot four keno system for $3.00 a
ticket. Playing smaller spots and multiplying your win is the clever way to
play keno.
Here's some Keno facts for you:
§ Minimum prize of a jackpot pool. Figures quoted are an extract from an article which recently appeared in a major Australian newspaper.
Something Interesting
From the
time keno commenced at Jupiter's Casino on the Gold Coast it took 12 years for
someone to win the 10/10 jackpot.
The winning numbers were 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40.
Most people would believe that the odds of a string of ten numbers such as
these being drawn would be astronomical, but in truth the odds are exactly the
same as those of any other ten numbers being drawn: 8,911,702-1
Example of a basic Keno System
The basic
principal behind a reduced system is to simply take more numbers than your
target number and then mathematically reduce them to equal your target number.
In Keno your target number can be anything from a spot one to a spot fifteen
because you have the choice of which sized spot you'll bet on.
Let’s take a look at the rules and an example to see if we can’t improve your
chances of winning.
Rules for playing Reduced Systems
Select six numbers between one and eighty and place them in the selections
boxes at the top of the chart. As an example we'll say that you've chosen
numbers: 13, 27, 28, 33, 41 and 79.
2. Copy your six selections vertically down the chart into the boxes without
any crosses [XX] in them. You are only permitted to place your numbers in the
open boxes in each plan: [XX]
3. Transfer the four numbers on each ticket line to a standard keno entry form.
You'll end up with three tickets of four numbers each.
Below is an example of how a reduced systems looks prior to being filled in with
your selections.
6 to 4 Reduced System = 3 Tickets
§ Now, let’s fill this system in for you so you can see just how easy it is to use an exciting and professional reduced system. Don’t forget that the numbers we've chosen for you are: 13, 27, 28, 33, 41 and 79.
Transfer of Numbers
In the
above example the numbers you would transfer to each keno entry ticket would be
as follows:
Ticket 1. 13, 27, 33,
Ticket 2. 13, 28, 41, 79.
Ticket 3. 27, 28, 33, 79.
At a cost of $1 for
each ticket your total cost to play one game using this particular system would
be $3. For an outlay of $3 you have three chances of snaring all four numbers
on one ticket. A four number keno win usually pays $119 so it’s not a bad
result for an outlay of only $3 if your numbers happen to come out!
In the previous example
you'll find that if all six of your selections are drawn you'll have three
winning keno tickets of four numbers each. The result of three four spot wins
would be three times $119 which makes a total of $357. $357 collected on one
game is a pretty good result for an outlay of only $3.
Five winning numbers
among your six selections guarantees one four number win and two three number
Four winning numbers
among your six selections will provide a minimum of two three number wins plus
one two number win. Naturally you also have three chances at a four number win.
Three winning numbers
among your six selections will provide a minimum of two two number wins plus
three chances of a three number win.
Two winning numbers
among your six selections will provide a minimum of one two number win with the
chance of another two number win.
Clubs and Casinos may not pay a two number win so check it out before you enter
your tickets.
You now have a basic example of how powerful a reduced keno systems can be.