Free Lotto System Rules

§         1. Place your eight selections in the "selections boxes" at the top of the plan.
2. Copy your selections down each column into the open boxes only [   ].
3. Transfer the numbers on each Ticket line to a standard lotto or keno entry coupon. The result will be four game squares or tickets of six numbers each.

Example Only

§         Feel free to choose your own numbers. This is an 8 to 6 Reduced Lotto System


Ticket 1
Ticket 2
Ticket 3
Ticket 4


§         In the above example you'll find that the numbers to be transferred to each ticket or game square on a standard lotto or keno coupon are as follows: Game square or ticket 1 - 13, 19, 22, 28, 38, 40 Game square or ticket 2 - 13, 19, 27, 38, 40, 41 Game square or ticket 3 - 13, 22, 27, 28, 40, 41 Game square or ticket 4 - 19, 22, 27, 28, 38, 41

Now It's Your Turn

§         Place your eight selections in the "selections boxes" at the top of the following plan and then follow the rules as previously described. Good luck.


Ticket 1
Ticket 2
Ticket 3
Ticket 4

[xx][    ][   ][   ][   ][   ][xx][   ]
[   ][   ][   ][xx][   ][   ][    ][xx]
[   ][   ][xx][   ][xx][   ][   ][    ]
[   ][xx][   ][   ][   ][xx][   ][    ]
[xx][   ][   ][   ][   ][   ][xx][    ]

§         This reduced system doesn't cover every possible combination of numbers and that’s why it costs less to play.

Good luck when playing this system and if you'd like to play a couple of really successful lotto systems that win big time check out the following links to other areas in our site.

