My Best Roulette Strategy

I have not played a great deal of roulette in my many years of casino  gambling. My favorite game is craps. However, in my attempts at playing  roulette, I have developed a strategy that appears to work well for me  during the times that I have tried it. The theory behind it was  developed from email conversations that I have had with people who work in  casinos. I was told that the croupiers (dealers) at a roulette wheel  sometimes practice trying to control where they land. Also, it seems  that if you do the exact same thing, then it will land in the same area of  the wheel. You must understand that the numbers on the wheel are not in  numerical order, as they are on the table where you place your bets.  This made sense to me, when I heard it. My mind went back a number of  years to when I was doing volunteer work at a carnival booth at my church.  It was a tic-tac-toe booth... the nine space layout (three in each  direction) was there and people threw three baseballs underhand to land  there. If they made tic-tac-toe either across or diagonally they won a  prize. Well, I was there all day. Sometimes we were not busy, so I  was practicing and trying to get people to come and play the game. By  the end of the day, I got to where I could make it almost every time.  When I got off "duty" and came back to the carnival with my wife, I played  this tic-tac-toe. I won almost every time!! So, it makes sense that a  croupier at a roulette wheel could do the same thing.  But, that is too easy. If they can make me win, then they can also make  me lose. So, we must watch for the right situation and the right  croupier. After a long day, they get tired, or lazy. They will spin  the wheel the same way all of the time and it will land in the same area.  Have you ever watched "Wheel of Fortune" on television? At about 12  minutes before the program ends, Alex spins the wheel himself. Have you  even noticed how often he lands either on $5,000 or within one space of it  on either side? Watch for that and you will see that it happens very  often. Also, have you ever noticed that when the contestants spin the  wheel, it frequently lands very close to where it landed before? Three or  four people in a row will land on the bankrupt spot... or close to it...  did you ever notice that?

I have devised a method for taking advantage of this phenomenon. You  don't have to spend any money to test it. Just make up a card, like the  one here. You can type it yourself or use cut and paste on your  computer. I have mine laminated in plastic and reduced to business card  size. People rarely even notice that I am using it. Then, go to a  casino where they have what I call a "marquis," which is a large board  that displays about the last 20 or so numbers that came out on the wheel  in front of you. Look at those numbers and write them down on a piece of  paper (starting with the oldest one, and ending with the newest one).  Then, go over them using the card that I have provided. See if it works  for you. If you are not satisfied that it works, then don't play it.  If you try it for a while and feel confident, then try it with real money  and see what happens. If you lose... don't play it any more. If you  win, tell me about it. Click Here  IMPORTANT NOTE: The numbers are entirely different on a "European Wheel"  which has only the one zero (and no double zero) than they are on an

 "American Wheel." There are not very many of these wheels with only one  zero available in the United States. I know of one in Binions' in Las  Vegas that is a "European Wheel."

 Now, let's get down to the method itself.  I am betting on the two numbers on each side of the last number (total of  four numbers). This means on the WHEEL and not on the table where you  place your bets. I could also have bet on the number itself, but the  way that I am doing it here is less complicated. Also, it seems that if  the croupier is just lazy, it appears to land "around" the last number but  rarely on it. If s/he is doing it intentionally, then that is a  different matter.

 I also find that it is advisable to only play if the croupier is looking  at the wheel, even if just for a glance, when s/he lets go of the ball.  It may still work if they do not look at the wheel, but I like it better  this way. Because of this phenomenon that I am describing, some casinos  instruct the croupiers not to look at the wheel when they let go of the  ball.

A further strong suggestion is that you only bet it 2 times. If you don't

 win after two spins, then stop. Either go to another table, or wait for a  different croupier, or another win. Or all of the above. It is more  than a suggestion. Think of it as a rule. If you just sit there and  keep playing, you will probably lose. I was lucky during the development  of this method and won when I played by just keeping on betting. I now  believe that it is much better to do it by only making two bets that lose.


I made charts for this. See below. The two charts are entirely  different.  Remember that the number on the left is the last number that came out on  the wheel. The four numbers to the right of it (in the same box) are the  4 single numbers that you will bet. When you win, you will get paid 35  to 1 plus your bet back. Remember to remove the one unit that is your  original bet. You then make the next bet by looking up that number. As  long as you do not lose two in a row, you keep on betting. When you lose  two in a row, then stop and re-qualify the wheel... or go to another one.



Roulette 0-00

I made charts for this to demonstrate a pattern. Remember that the number on the left is the last number that came out on the wheel. The four numbers to the right of it are the 4 single numbers that you will bet. When you win, you will get paid 35 to 1.

Roulette 0-00 wheel


  2  9 14 28


 8 19 25 29


 10 12 27 29


  1 10 13 27


 1 00 24 36


  9 11 28 30


 00 13 27 36


 0  2 23 35


 00  1 10 25


  0 14 28 35


 3 22 24 34


  0  2  9 26


 15 24 34 36


 4 21 23 33


  8 10 12 25


 16 23 33 35


 5 20 22 32


  7  9 11 26


 17 22 32 34


 6 19 21 31


  6  8 18 19


 18 21 31 33


 8 12 18 31


  5  7 17 20


 11 20 30 32


 7 11 17 32


  4  6 16 21


 12 19 29 31


 6 16 18 33


  3  5 15 22


  0 26 28 30


 5 15 17 34


  2  4 14 23


 00 25 27 29


 4 14 16 35


  1  3 13 24


  7 20 26 30


 3 13 15 36






Roulette single zero

0 3 15 26 32

13 6 11 27 36

26 0 3 32 35

1 14 16 20 33

14 1 9 20 31

27 6 13 34 36

2 4 17 21 25

15 0 4 19 32

28 7 12 29 35

3 0 12 26 35

16 1 5 24 33

29 7 18 22 28

4 2 15 19 21

17 2 6 25 34

30 8 11 23 36

5 10 16 23 24

18 7 9 22 29

31 9 14 20 22

6 13 17 27 34

19 4 15 21 32

32 0 15 19 26

7 12 18 28 29

20 1 14 31 33

33 1 16 20 24

8 10 11 23 30

21 2 4 19 25

34 6 17 25 27

9 14 18 22 31

22 9 18 29 31

35 3 12 26 28

10 5 8 23 24

23 5 8 10 30

36 11 13 27 30

11 8 13 30 36

24 5 10 16 33


12 3 7 28 35

25 2 17 21 34




Another of my own Roulette Strategies

Very simple... you just bet one unit on each of the last four numbers (including the immediate last one) that have come out.


Details: You are at the table and one number spins... say it is 15. You bet that one number, 15 on the next spin. Then let's say that the next spin is 17. For your second bet you bet one unit each on 15 and 17. The next spin is 31, so you bet on 15,17,31 (one unit on each). The next spin is 2, so on your fourth bet you bet 15,17,31,2 the next spin is 6, so on your fifth bet you bet 17,31,2,6 (you drop the 15 because you are only betting 4 numbers). The next spin is 31 (again)... you win. So, for your sixth bet it would be one unit each on 17,2,6,31 (drop the first 31 and keep the rest of the numbers, adding 31 to the end). The next spin is 5. So your seventh bet would be 2,6,31,5 (one unit each). And so on ad infinitum. It is probably advantageous to leave the table after a win rather than after a string of losses.


If there is a board that tells you the past numbers, then you can start right out betting one unit on each of the last four numbers. If one of them is a double or repeat, you only bet the last one. If you like this, then you may want to see another roulette method that I created. It works on the same general principle, but it is much more refined. If so, just click here.... New Roulette Method


My Favorite Roulette Strategy

Watch the wheel or the marquis for a time when the ball lands on one of the two numbers on each side of the last number (on the wheel and not on the betting layout). When this happens, then go right in and bet on the 4 numbers that are two on each side of the number that is now the last number. If it loses then bet one more time on the 4 numbers that are on each side of the number that is now the last number. If that loses, then leave the table and watch for it to happen again on this table or some other table. Any time that you win, keep playing until you lose two times in a row. See full method.

Roulette - The Super-Duper Safety System

The purpose behind the play.