What's your number?


Numerology has been used since ancient times to shed light on relationships, health and global events. Each number in an address, letter in a name and element in a birth date possesses a special numerical significance. Understanding what these numbers symbolize can help you better understand yourself and others.

Advanced numerology can be complicated but you can get excellent results just by understanding the basics. The simplest way to get started is to determine and understand your birth number.

Calculating your birth number
1. Add together the digits in the month, date and year of your birth. For instance, if your birthday is April 11, 1963 you would add 4+11+1963=1978.

2. Add each of the digits in the resulting number (1+9+7+8=25).

3. Finally the two remaining digits (2+5=7). Your Birth Number is a 7!

Your birth number can indicate personality characteristics and the issues you need to work on. Read on to find out what your number means!

Number 1: An independent, pioneering spirit, you are impatient, like to be first, and enjoy being the center of attention. You need to learn to be strong but kind. This number identifies with the sign of Leo. Get your daily numerology report.

Number 2: You are shy and sensitive, particularly to the needs of others. Home and family oriented, you tend to be reserved. But you need to learn to help others without being taken advantage of. This number identifies with the sign of Cancer. Get your daily numerology report.

Number 3: You are friendly, playful, creative and entertaining. You also like to talk and have a youthful spirit that is always looking ahead. But you need to learn to use words and energies more wisely. This sign identifies with the sign of Aries.

Number 4: An honest, patient, practical hard-worker, you are organized and good with details but can be too critical at times. You need to learn to finish what you start. This number identifies with the sign of Virgo.

Number 5: An impatient, adventurous freedom-lover, you crave variety, activity and change and you like to do several things at the same time. You need to learn to adapt properly to every new situation. This number identifies with the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius.

Number 6: A responsible, trusting harmonizer, you crave stability and balance. You also desire the finer things in life. But you need to develop the ability to advise and support others. This number identifies with the signs of Taurus and Libra.

Number 7: Observant, analytical and spiritual, you need plenty of private time and have an extraordinary ability to see the big picture. You also need to learn to be alone without being lonely. This number identifies with the sign of Capricorn. Get your daily numerology report.

Number 8: Organized, ambitious and materialistic, you are rather self-sufficient and like to be in control. But you need to learn how to handle money, power and emotions. This number identifies with the sign of Scorpio.

Number 9: Intuitive, sympathetic, giving and generous, you possess refined senses and are sensitive to the needs and wants of others. You need to learn to concentrate on the big picture. This number identifies with the sign of Pisces.

Try to memorize the significance of each number. Think about your street address and phone number. What number do they add up to? As you walk past a home or business, analyze the meaning of the building’s address.

You’ll be amazed at how accurately numerology can reveal the vibrations of your home or business. It can be an exciting and accurate way to better understand yourself, your loved ones, and the entire world around you!


Number Meanings & Correspondence Tables
Correspondences between the numbers in numerology
and the Tarot, Astrology, Rune, I Ching, Kabbalah, Shamanism,
Alchemy, Auras, Musical Notes and more!