The personal websight of Russ Williams  

Last Update 12/23/01

Experiments is sound... The idea of what sounds good and why? Most of this is in 4/4. The idea is to try to have a series of pieces from 2/2 to something extreme like 7/25? Can it be done?

I have a sight on, have a look-see...


ASF file format:

  • Honk
    My first work with WAV clips and Magix
  • Mooney
    This was offered by our friend Jack K. He's overdubbing a chorus a Cat Stevens piece.
  • Walk
    My first work in Midi with Magix
  • Russ1
    Wav clip work, not too complicated.
  • Russ2
    Wav clip work, not too complicated.
  • Russ3
    Wav clip work, not too complicated.
  • Russ4
    Wav clip work, not too complicated.
  • Russ5
    Wav clip work, not too complicated.
  • Russ6
    Wav clip work, not too complicated.
  • Dawn's song
    An offering made by my wife using the MIDI studio and sound font ability of the SoundBlaster live card.


MID file format:

  • Russ
    This won't play yet... I don't think I have the tags working for me...

MOV file format:


I have a lot of information on what "tune" is, in addition to what "key" is. I am also looking for a copy of the story of the well tuned clavichord.